Our project would not be possible without generous financial and institutional support, as well as the assistance of many individuals who have provided advice and facilitated our work. We are grateful to Eleni Andrikou, Elpida Skerlou, and Katerina Petrou of the Ephorate of Antiquities of East Attica, and Jacques Perrault, Brendan Burke, and Jonathan Tomlinson of the Canadian Institute in Greece for making our work possible with their institutional support and oversight. We are also thankful to Herakles Tsonos and Eleni Chreiazomenou, who supervised the work on behalf of the Ephorate, and Giorgos Psaltis, who assisted us with logistics for the project and introduced us to our amazing boat captain, Vasilis Miliotis. Captain Vasilis has taken the team around the bay hundreds of times and helped us get onto and off of treacherous islands without incident throughout the project. Finally, the project has received generous financial support from the following institutions and agencies, and we are very thankful for this support:
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Development Grant and Insight Grant programs
The Loeb Classical Library Foundation
The University of Toronto Department of Classics
The University of Toronto Connaught New Researcher Fund
The Institute for Aegean Prehistory
The University of Toronto Mediterranean Archaeology Collaborative Specialization
The University of Toronto Archaeology Centre
The University of Western Ontario Department of Classical Studies
Project logo shirts (and other staff-designed apparel options) are available for purchase here. All proceeds are donated to charitable or archaeological organizations in Greece.