Instant reinforced concrete non-architecture!

In the course of reading a few navigational guides to Porto Rafti written for yachters, some fulsome praise for the sensitive and ecological design of the bay was encountered:

“Around the shores of this fine natural harbour the Athenians have built their summer villas and apartments transforming what was a simple fishing community into a prospering summer commuter belt. Incredibly the inhabitants have taken the worst of instant reinforced concrete non-architecture found around Athens and transported it here – the result is simply awful and were it not for the remarkable beauty of the bay it would look like Athens itself.” (R. Heikell, 1992, A Yachtsman’s Guide to the Coasts and Islands of Greece)

How far the mighty have fallen …. apparently the good old Raft is no longer to be  counted amongst the “most delightfullest harbours in all nature”.

Maeve, Taylor, et al. surveying amongst the instant concrete non-architecture in 2022!

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