Hibernating BEARS

As winter descends in earnest and our team members look ahead to a long, dreary season of hunkering down at home (at least that seems to be the way things are heading here in Toronto), it seems like a good time (in line with what I hear is a major holiday down south of the border) to remember how lucky we are to have such a Number One Top Rated team of students and collaborators on the BEARS project, not to mention how fortunate we are to have the chance to work as archaeologists in Greece full stop. Whatever happens in the next couple of years, at least we’ll always have heaps of fun memories (and obsidian, and LH IIIC pottery, and data about rooftiles) from 2019.

For now, it seems like an opportune time to figure out how to actually hibernate for a few months. Someone wake us up in April when the snow melts and we’ll figure things out from there.

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